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Trading Pro System Review

Why the Options Trading Pro System Will Change the Way you See Options Forever

Recently I reviewed an interesting downloadable video package called the Trading Pro System. Having used it myself for some time and seen first hand how it just keeps on making a consistent monthly income, I decided to write a review about it.

This product is a set of 48 downloadable videos which run on your computer's default media player and show you, step by step, how to make consistent profits using a couple of primary option trading strategies along with the secret of how to adjust them so you don't lose money.

The course also includes a number of other 'bonus' strategies designed to grow your wealth over time. Overall, it delivers 24 hours of comprehensive options trading education experience.

The course is a real eye opener. It will change the way you see options trading forever. It's focus is on "trading by the numbers" and includes some real insight into the options "greeks" - and how they provide the key to knowing when you need to make adjustments to your existing positions and by how much, so that you don't suffer financial loss.

In fact, due to this focus on safe option trading, every video ends with the same words which seem to be the motto of the system - "Trade With Confidence".

Take a look at the video below, which gives you a quick preview of what is possible using this system.

Get the Options Trading Pro System Here

This option trading system is divided up into a number of modules. First, the introductory ones (for anyone new to options trading) which make some bold claims about the power of the system.

After that, an introduction to trade selection, monitoring, adjusting positions and exit strategies.

The Trading Pro System takes you methodically through the timing and analysis behind entering positions and then shows you how to monitor them and make adjustments if necessary. You watch it all done in a live broker trading platform with real numbers.

The art of adjustments is crucial to this option trading strategy.

Knowing when to adjust (how many times, not too early, not too late) is part of the education you receive. You also learn the optimum time to close out your positions, which is never at expiration date.

You also need to understand HOW to adjust. There are two ways the Trading Pro System teaches you:

(1) By adding to your existing positions (when they are losing) in a way that adjusts your breakeven points while at the same time increasing your new portfolio's overall profit potential.

(2) By closing a losing position and opening a new one but in a way that maintains your overall profit level. The new position extends your breakeven levels and replaces the losing one.

The system also comes with a number of "Bonus Files" which in many ways, I have found to be just as valuable as the main course itself - and will certainly broaden your knowledge about options. Their focus is on "wealth building" and includes a number of strategies which build upon your knowledge of "the greeks" in order to combine short term option and share buying so as to 'scalp' profits in an impressive day trading strategy. They throw a few Excel worksheets in also to help you with this.

Two strategies in particular impressed me:

(1) Inside Days - taking short term profits from breakouts after certain patterns form.

(2) Short term straddle and 'gamma scalping' strategy - I really like this one.

And if that wasn't enough, wait till you see the video about "Victory Spreads"! Using this correctly, with a risk of just a few dollars you can make several hundreds in profit - and you even make a small profit if the underlying doesn't move in your anticipated direction. A beautiful "set and forget" strategy.

As your wealth grows, the Trading Pro System teaches you how to use your increased capital base to implement other strategies which require more capital in order to be profitable.

Overall, I have found the price tag for the Trading Pro System well worth it. I have attended seminars that cost thousands of dollars which don't provide the same level of in depth information that this course does.

Highly recommended!

trading pro system

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