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Near Riskless Trading Course

Have you ever wondered whether it's possible to enjoy near riskless trading setups in the financial markets, that are not only highly profitable, but virtually "risk free"?

I've recently been reviewing a series of training videos by a well known trading veteran, where he explains to his viewers, exactly how to do that - in 3 different ways.

He calls it "Near Riskless Trading" - or NRT for short.

These excellent training videos are part of a monthly membership deal, where you can join and stay only as long as you want. All the assets on the site are fully downloadable and include not only the Near Riskless Trading sessions with two separate groups, but a number of other top level trading courses from 'days gone by'.

Discover the NRT Strategies Here

How Near Riskless Trading Works

The near riskless trading strategies involved, create a unique arbitrage opportunity that makes a profit, no matter which way the underlying instruments move after you've placed the trade.

The hedged positions protect you from losses, don't require you to have "stops" in place and don't involve constant monitoring. You can hold them over the weekends without worrying what might happen on Monday.

I don't believe this particular strategy is, at time of writing, being taught anywhere else.

To appreciate the true value of these strategies, you will first need some undersanding of how the "option greeks" and especially, the delta, affect the pricing of options.

For this reason, the "Near Riskless Trading" strategies are part of a larger concept, known as "High Level Options Mentoring" (HLOM).

At time of writing, there are 48 videos available, covering two separate mentoring groups. There are approximately 22 videos per group, as some groups are combined.

They are a little 'long winded' because they are recordings of live training sessions, but if you want the short version, you can also download and print the PDF 'written' version and read details of the three NRT strategies there.

Then you might want to head over to the recorded 'live' sessions and listen to the discussion and watch the actual setups on your TV or computer screen. The trainer uses the ThinkorSwim (TOS) platform to describe the setups.

More than that in fact - you also receive downloadable 'templates' which you can import into the TOS trading platform. These give you the signals that you'll need to enter and exit positions.

You can also ask questions about any content that you see in any of the mentoring videos, or any other training material on the site for that matter - in the "comments" box and receive answers.

One thing that occurred to me while watching the Near Riskless Trading videos, was that, even though the focus of these strategies is based on US markets, some of the strategies could be adopted to option trading in countries outside the USA, where other trading instruments such as "contracts for difference" are available.

The only thing that you will need to be sure of, is that your options broker, or software, can provide you with the "delta" in the option chains.

Trade With Other Peoples' Money

Once you understand the Near Riskless Trading strategies, you'll also find another series of training videos on the membership site, which teach you how to use your knowledge to trade with between $30,000 up to $250,000 of "crowd funded" money.

These firms don't require any entry costs, but they do expect you to "pass their test" before giving you real money to trade with. When I say "test", this doesn't mean anything academic - they just want to see how you perform with "paper trading" first.

Discover the NRT Strategies Here

Here's a summary of what you get with the High Level Options Mentoring and NRT strategies:

1. Downloadable files, spreadsheets and TOS templates relevant to the system.

2. 48 Downloadable (or live stream) recorded mentoring sessions.

3. "Trading Room" recorded sessions.

4. Access to other advanced level training courses.

5. Market updates and other info emailed to you, as it happens.

6. Technical Analysis for charts, training.

7. Opportunity to join any future "live" mentoring sessions.

8. Information on how to use these strategies successfully with crowd funded money.

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