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Options Trading Software

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With the arrival of the internet came online trading. Along with this phenomenon, a number of options trading software programs have arisen that help traders swiftly analyze a number of trading alternatives.

Some options trading software packages are focussed on picking stock breakout signals and placing automatic trades, often called "black box" software packages. Many of these don't do what they're promoted to - and the thousands of dollars traders have spent on them are only exacerbated by their trading losses.

Other programs are more analytical in nature - they simply help a 'human' trader analyze the risks vs rewards of entering a certain position. Some contain advanced features such as stock screeners, Elliot Wave analysis, Gann reversal pattern identifiers, volatility analysis, options risk graphs and the like ... while others are simply user friendly tools used for technical analysis of chart patterns but with add-ons including live options prices.

This chapter of Options Trading Mastery is dedicated to options trading software packages. We will focus on the world of option trading and anything that helps the serious trader to run his or her trading operations in a more business like manner.

Our intention is to review various software features and related products and give you, the reader, the opportunity to provide feedback from your own experiences, for the benefit of other traders.

As we review each product we will focus on the following comparisons, to help you assess value:

  • Price
  • Features
  • Reliability

For the serious trader, a couple of thousand dollars may be money well spent, as it will give you tools to isolate the best trading opportunities - especially if features include the ability to 'program' the software yourself.

If you are a vendor for any market trading software that we have not listed and wish to be included, please feel free to contact us so that we can provide a review of your product on this site.

So let's begin ...

Options Trading Software - Contents

1. Free Option Trading Software

So we've done some research for you and below, you'll find a summary of some of the best free option trading software available.

2. Online Stock Option Trading

With the right online stock option trading system and a business like approach, you can trade options with confidence, providing a regular income stream for the rest of your life.

3. OptionVue

OptionVue is one of the most sophisticated options trading programs on the market today. What you are about to read is an explanation of most of the features of the program.

4. Options21

5. Bourse Data

6. OTrader

7. Optionetics

8. Peter Hoadley Options
Hoadley Options is an Excel based analysis tool designed to assist options traders to comprehensively analyse their positions. It comes in basic (free) version and the premium add-in, which includes some impressive features.

9. OptionGear Software Review
This OptionGear Software Review is designed to provide the reader with an assessment as to whether this software is worth the purchase price in comparison to free tools available today.

10. ProfitSource - from Hubb Financial Group

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