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Options Broker Reviews

Online Brokers - Options Trading Reviews Page

In our options broker reviews section we will be reviewing various brokers which offer option trading as part of their selection of services. Not all brokers are set up to trade options - and of those that are, there are positives and negatives to consider.

Our main focus will be:

  • Broker fee structure - is it competitive?
  • Online trading platform and its capabilities or limitations
  • Level of information they provide about various stocks, commodities etc.
  • Bonus services such as trade recommendations (and how good they are at it)

Some brokers for option trading are really impressive while others may have some good points but once you dig a little deeper, you find they limit your ability to easily and efficiently implement certain trading strategies. Some options brokers are more suited to day trading than longer term more passive strategies, for example.

Above all, we are looking for peace of mind during our trading experience. Part of this means we can "set and forget" trading entry and exit points with "good till cancelled" conditions if we wish, so that we don't have to be monitoring the screen all day (or night).

If we want to use more advanced option trading strategies, we need to know whether the broker's trading platform is capable of executing those trades, or whether we would need to "leg in" to the positions and risk the potentially negative effects of intraday movements of the underlying.

Options Broker Reviews - Contents

Broker Reviews - USA

OptionsXpress Review

This OptionsXpress review is going to be a pleasure. I have had an account with them for a number of years and the trading facilities they offer are most impressive. But their new platform could do with some improvements.


One of the first features about TradeKing that appealed to me, was the low brokerage fees they offer. At only $4.95 per trade plus 65 cents per contract, it looked a very good deal.


The one thing I like most about ThinkorSwim is their spectacular trading platform. So far, I haven't seen anything like it with any other broker.

AnyOption Review

Anyoption are primarily binary options brokers who reward winning trades with as high as 71 percent profit and even give back about 15 percent on losing trades.

Banc de Binary Review

This Banc de Binary review will investigate some of the claims this Binary Options Broker makes of itself, but also some of the complaints and allegations that have been made against them.

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