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MarketXfactor - A Proven Deadly Accurate Indicator

MarketXfactor is a proprietory stock chart indicator developed by Dave Vallieres, an option trading veteran with over 35 years experience in the industry. He actually developed the indicator way back in 1988 - before the days of the internet and when computer technology was still in it's infancy. Over the years it has proved itself with deadly accuracy.

In more recent times, David has had the indicator coded for compatibility with the ThinkorSwim (TOS) and TradeStation trading platforms. You simply upload the program to either of these broker platforms and it becomes an indicator at the bottom of each chart you look at.

What MarketXfactor is Not

It is not an indicator based on moving averages or price fluctuation. According to an article in a popular trading magazine (Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities, May 2009, Pg 48, Bulkowski) time has proven that these types of indicators are now 50 percent less effective than they used to be.

It is in no way related to other indicators such as the RSI, stochastics or the MACD. These indicators rely on price action and don't interpret the underlying market conditions that drive prices higher or lower.

It won't work on other trading platforms other than TOS or Tradestation.

What MarketXfactor Is

It is an indicator which tracks the actual buying and selling of a security, ETF or index, combined with the market's own internals such as volume, number of issues, advanced/declines plus some other factors.

It will alert you as to whether the market is making a false move higher or lower, so that you don't jump in prematurely and get hurt.

It works best on all major indices such as the DOW, S&P500, Nasdaq etc and their associated ETF's such as the DIA, the SPY and the QQQ - as well as all the major stocks on that make up the Dow 30. You could actually use this indicator as your main tool for an option trading strategy that focused exclusively on the top 20 of the 30 stocks that make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

You can also use it as a day trading tool. It works best on an hourly intraday chart.

At first glance, this intelligent indicator appears somewhat complicated to interpret. This is why it comes with its own complimentary training video. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to "get it" however - and once you do, you will find it a most useful and profitable ally in your option trading career.

If you don't need any more convincing you can buy MarketXfactor here for $37 (at time of writing this). It comes with a money back guarantee.

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