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Jamie McIntyre

Jamie McIntyre - Millionaire Investor and Mentor

In motivational circles, Jamie McIntyre is known as "The 21st Century Educator". From $150,000 in debt, Jamie McIntyre turned his dream to become a self-made millionaire into reality. Today, he is eager to share his success and does so under the banner of what he likes to call a "21st Century Education".

From a concept that Jamie started, this idea of "21st century education" has now come to the ordinary Australian. It's about finding a new perspective to life and financial freedom.

He believes this type of information has not been made widely available, keeping the majority of the population constrained to a job and almost like slaves to the banks.

Jamie Mcintyre is passionate about ensuring the average person becomes financially educated. If you would like to learn how to excel in the 21st Century and create an extraordinary quality of life, including how to make money while you sleep, to free up your time to do other more important things than working for someone else 9 to 5, then read on as it may amaze you to learn just how much success people are having.

From the bottom rung of the financial ladder, Jamie McIntyre made his vision known. All self-made millionaires can describe their direction towards success and this direction is driven by specific goals.

So when Jamie told himself that he wanted to be a self-made millionaire one day, he had his goal clearly defined despite the tremendous odds against achieving it. Jamie McIntyre aimed high and reached high.

As a successful entrepreneur Jamie first realized that in order to get to the top, a different approach is required. His focus shifted from the ordinary to the most opportunistic situations. With the different challenges he faced, he learned that changing his mindset would help him climb the hill faster.

Self-made millionaires find opportunities in doubts and optimism in hesitations. Jamie McIntyre definitely applied the best financial strategies to reach his goals.

As a student of 21st Century Education, he knew that the shift in mindset is not so easy. While Jamie knew he had the talent and skills to be successful, he also appreciates the saying that "Rome will not be built in a day".

The desire to get ahead and to improve gave him the initiative to learn under the most successful self-made millionaires in the world. Under these leaders, Jamie shaped himself and developed the concept of 21st Century Education.

At his apex of his success, Jamie McIntyre developed a new passion to share what he learned and make a difference in the lives of other people. So when he built his multi-million dollar educational organisation, Jamie transferred his success to people who are also hoping to find the right fit of success for them.

Jamie continued to travel all around the world and in Australia to conduct seminars and training session on creating the best possible quality of life, reaching one's potential, financial achievement and financial freedom, and making an a lasting impact.

Having achieved success as an entrepreneur, Jamie McIntyre is now a sought after educator. His seminar content has been reviewed as some of the most relevant material that this century needs. His insistence on dynamic learning transcends what typical college students learn in classrooms. His highly effective program has been recognized as applicable to people of all ages and from any financial circumstances.

Jamie's own investigations led him to believe that there must be a secret formula, some little known strategies, that make all the difference between the average person working a 40 hour week for their wage that is barely enough to make ends meet, and those elite few who have more money than they could ever need. He was determined to find out what that difference was, and to achieve absolute financial freedom.

Figuring out what the average 95% of the population are doing and doing the opposite is what will set a rich man and a poor man apart. The ordinary and the common create the financial failure for most people. Thus, Jamie suggests that there must be another way.

Within less than 5 years Jamie had succeeded. He became a self made millionaire while still in his twenties! He was then nominated for Young Australian of the Year in 1999 for his financial achievements. He decided this information should be widely available to everyone and co-founded 21st Century Academy.

He has now educated more than 165,000 average Australians and New Zealanders, and now people world wide from the United States, UK, Europe, India and Asia. With today's technology and the way the internet has revolutionized business, anyone can be next no matter where in the world you live.

Jamie explores the idea of people's professed attitudes to money. Finding how money works for you and your life is just as important as other things that contribute to your well-being and happiness. Those who profess that they are not interested in money are usually the ones who end up working hard for it.

If you aspire to a better quality of life, your focus should shift from just working for money to how money should work for you. The right attitude towards money reflects not only your financial success, but also how you want to live your life.

Jamie McIntyre believes that much of the valuable information and strategies he learnt to turn his life around, especially financially, isn't taught in today's education system, because many industries and systems profit immensely from people being ignorant of these things.

So he has created a free 3 hour DVD which he will send to anyone who is interested, called "What I Wish I Had Learned in School, But Didn't"

You cannot be truly wealthy if you don't know how to be satisfied with what you already have. It starts with how you feel inside. The more grateful you are for your small successes, the more you will feel wealthy.

Realizing that being "wealthy" does not necessarily mean already having a lot of money or financial assets is actually the first step in achieving financial freedom.

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