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Option Trading Advisor

What Does a Good Option Trading Advisor Mean to You?

A good option trading advisor can make all the difference between profitable trading and a continual struggle to just stay afloat. You may have completed a trading course and consider yourself a good technical analyst and feel confident that you can pick winning trades on a consistent basis.

But in the world of trading there are often so many unknown variables that can make share price movements unpredictable at times.

There is also a certain psychology, or the emotional factor in trading, which can cause us to panick and exit profitable trades prematurely, or enter into trades that are questionable because we feel the need to be doing something.

Being able to call on the assistance of a good option trading advisor can help eliminate the problems and the discouragement that goes with trying to 'go it alone'.

Sometimes those great trade recommendations you get are the very things that revive the balance in your trading account and give you hope that you can make a go of this yet. I've been there ... I know.

The Best Option Trading Advisor Has the Complete Package

But you want more than just an option trading advisor. You should also be looking for a service that actually helps you make your own trading decisions and provides state of the art tools to let you locate the best trades that fit your desired strategies.

So we need to add to our wishlist, a service with a good market scanning facility - for example, one that locates chart patterns such as triangles, head and shoulders, channels etc ... that give us a trading edge because all the 'legwork' has been eliminated and we can just zoom in on these high probability trades.

Once you have located your desired chart pattern, you then need to add a filtering tool that can narrow it down further with things like daily volume levels, implied volatility and price ranges.

But let's go even further. Can your option trading advisor provide free online training seminars and videos to help educate you for the best trading techniques. Or even seminars on how to get the most out of their service?

And what about live streaming charts along with all the popular indicators for good technical analysis? Do they have their own proprietary indicators which help you identify changes or continuations in trends?

Can you save your work for later and customise the charts to your liking? Can it do all this even on intraday data? Many people pay up to $100 per month or more for this service alone. What if you could also get charts that actually "talk" to you and tell you what they mean? Wow! Imagine that!

Finally, does your option trading advisor allow you to communicate with other members of their service in a forum or blog environment, sharing ideas and asking questions? Do they give you free market alerts, such as a stock price not on your watchlist that has just made an unusual move?


I have found the Market Club service to be one of the best option trading advisory services out there. They provide all of the above features for a very reasonable quarterly subscription fee which is more than compensated by the superior trades and consequent profitability you receive. They even give you a full featured trial for the first month at only $8.95.

Market Club only focuses on the US, Canadian and Australian markets. One of their popular services is what they call "trade triangles" - i.e. where three proprietary indicators - monthly, weekly and daily trends, expressed as a number out of 100, align - giving strong buy or sell signals and exit targets. You can make a killing with this service alone.

I can highly recommend the Market Club service. Take a look at Market Club today and make your own decision.

Or check out this video demonstrating their "trade triangle" SMARTSCAN product.

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