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AnyOption Review

Welcome to our Anyoption review page. Anyoption are primarily binary options brokers and claim to have the leading binary options trading interface on the planet. If you're not sure what binary options are, the short version is, that they are a way to bet on where a financial instrument will be in a nominated period of time. If you're right and your options are in-the-money at expiration - you get paid a large amount, if your options are out-of-the-money, you still get some funds back but only a relatively small percentage of your investment. The whole idea behind the term "binary" is that there are only two outcomes - win or lose.

AnyOption Review - How Well do They Pay?

AnyOption claims to reward winning trades with as high as 71 percent profit and return about 15 percent of your risked capital to you for losing trades. This effectively means that if you were theoretically able to place a straddle trade (equal number of both call and put options over the same security) then one side will return about 70 percent profit while the other, an 85 percent loss. Unlike vanilla options (regular options) there is no possibility for unlimited profit potential.

Trading binary options with Anyoption is an easy process, because your interface with them is entirely web based and very user-friendly. There are no trading platforms to download. This means you can login to your account from your home or office computer and place a trade. Indeed, they like it to be known that some people make money with them during their lunchbreak.

Anyoption Review - What Can You Trade With Them?

The beauty of binary options is that they are available across a broad spectrum of underlying financial assets, including the major forex pairs which you can trade around the clock, stocks from the USA, UK and Asia, as well as indices and commodity futures. Anyoption also have a 'weekend trading' feature, which allows trades to be placed over the weekend in anticipation of whether the underlying asset will touch a nominated level when the market opens again. In consideration of the greater risk, the payouts are also greater - around 300 percent - and the options don't need to expire in-the-money, only touch the nominated level.

Anyoption Review - Other Features

To open an account with Anyoption, you need a minimum $50 deposit, which is great if you don't have much capital to risk. So if you have a spare few hundred dollars and want to try it out, they make it easy for you. They also have an impressive demo feature where you can try your hand at binary options trading and get a feel for how it works without risking any money. You also have the choice of rolling forward your option until the next available expiration time, as an alternative to realizing a losing trade.

Overall, if you're into binary options trading and looking for a reputable, well financed broker whose services are offered in many countries, Anyoption is one of the best we have found.

Start Trading Binary Options With Anyoption

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