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Welcome to Options Trading Mastery

Options Trading Mastery is the best place to help you to learn everything you ever wanted to know about the art of option trading. My name is Owen and I've been trading options since 2002. Whether you're interested in the stock market, commodity futures or foreign currencies as your underlying market, options trading is not only one of the most interesting ways to trade, but also the most flexible and financially rewarding.

So let's begin our journey of discovery together . . . .

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step" - Ancient Chinese Proverb.

The Stock Market is one of the largest markets in the world, so it is going to be around for a long time. This means that if we can master a few strategies that bring consistent profits, it is not inconceivable that we could set ourselves up with a reliable income stream. The fact is, one of the most profitable skills we can ever master, is the skill of options trading.

There are many option trading strategies "out there" such as strangles, straddles, bullish call debit spreads, bearish put debit spreads, ratio spreads, butterflies, condors, collars, calendar spreads, covered calls, iron condors, victory spreads and credit spreads. Many of these have their own variations, so understanding how to set them up and adjust when necessary, is knowledge of real value.

If you don't know what these are, or simply wish to deepen your understanding, then enjoy the ride as you navigate through this site to empower yourself with self education.

You are also welcome to provide your own comments on anything you may read, either by using the Facebook comment area, or the regular comment box, where your contribution, if helpful, will be added to this site for the benefit of other readers. Bringing your experience to the table could make a difference to someone.

"Normal education will make you a living; self education will make you a fortune" - Jim Rohn.

We will coach you every step of the way as you seek to increase your knowledge of the options markets. You will also have the chance to contribute your own thoughts and experiences, even ask questions or provide reviews of services you have used, for the benefit of other visitors. We could even think of it as a little community of traders helping each other toward financial freedom.

So let's get started!

Options Trading - Main Table of Contents

1. Explaining Options Trading

Need someone to explain option trading to you?  Here are the essential things everyone should know about this fascinating subject.

2. Option Trading Strategies

The best option trading strategies in some cases are a well kept secret. Let's explore the more popular ones and some others which most have never heard of.

3. Covered Calls

Covered Calls are considered one of the safest option trading strategies available today. Here we define them and explore the best techniques.

4. Stock Option Trading

Stock option trading is by far the most popular of the underlying financial instruments on which derivatives are traded. There is no more profitable skill you can ever master than this one.

5. Commodity Options

Maybe you're into commodities instead of stocks? Commodity Options Trading is about trading options on commodity futures. You receive all the benefits of leverage on profits but without the same risk as futures carry.

6. Forex Options Trading

Or you could trade options based on currency pairs, otherwise known as the forex market. Here we explore the different ways to do it, plus some exciting strategies.

7. Index Options

Index options done the right way are a great way of trading the stock market. The good thing about indexes is that they are generally much more stable than individual stocks.

8. Option Spread Trading

Option spread trading has many advantages and add flexibility - from the simple debit or credit spread to more advanced strategies such as calendar spreads, butterflies, iron condors and ratios.

9. Option Trading Systems

Some experienced traders have developed option trading systems, some of which are very good and have become very popular. Others, less so. Here we explore some of these and provide reviews.

10. Stock Chart Analysis

In order to be a good options trader, stock chart analysis skills should form a major component of your decision making process. Technical Analysis of charts must eventually become an art more than a science.

11. Options Trading Software

Some options trading software packages are focussed on picking good entry signals while others are more analytical - providing risk graphs and features like Elliot Wave analysis.

12. Options Broker Reviews

Here, we review various brokers which offer options trading. Our criteria will be: fee structure, trading platform, level of information provided about stocks etc. and bonus services.

13. Trading Pro System

After watching the Trading Pro System videos you will never see options the same way again.

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